Hunger is one of the biggest problems in the world. But it can be solved. Welthungerhilfe envisions a world in which everyone can lead a self-determined life with dignity and justice, free from hunger and poverty.
Welthungerhilfe’s strategic goal is ‘Zero Hunger wherever we work by 2030’, based on the 2nd UN Sustainable Development Goal. By working closely with local partners, we want to end hunger for good in all the countries we are active in. Our actions are intended to improve the prospects of present and future generations, helping them sustain healthy environments and fair societies.
Our flagship LANN+ training empowers rural families to achieve food and nutrition security. We place great emphasis on the inclusion of women in important decision-making processes.
Encompassed in this is our focus on site-specific agriculture, which supports smallholder farmers in cultivating higher-yield, more nutritious crops to fight hunger and poverty while saving natural resources.
Welthungerhilfe also empowers communities through market-based approaches that enable people to continue to earn a living from their agricultural products. We also helped develop the Food Security Standard project to ensure rural families’ right to food is not violated by the international demand and trade for agricultural commodities.
Welthungerhilfe projects strengthen resilience in countries affected by conflict and climate crises. Our short-term emergency relief operations are linked with longer-term development programmes to better prepare communities for future crises
Welthungerhilfe’s human rights-based advocacy approach strengthens civil society at the grassroots level by treating marginalised people as right holders (rather than aid recipients) and giving them the tools to actively demand their human right to food and secure access to land, water and seed.
We also support non-governmental organisations working to change political conditions by encouraging dialogue on an equal footing between civil society groups, political decision-makers and investors.
Striving for autonomy
Our aim is to better people’s lives long term. Therefore, we work according to the principle of ‘empowering people to help themselves’. Our programmes are designed to enable people to take control of their lives and empower them to realise their human right to food.
Welthungerhilfe’s approach relies not just on specific project activities and political advocacy work, but also measurable results and accountability to partners, donors and people in project areas.
The end of hunger is within reach for the first time in history. Like many of those involved in development cooperation, we hope that one day our work will no longer be necessary. Help us achieve this vision and get involved in the fight for a world without hunger.